Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Group Project Tool Post #2

I'm a Skyper! I'm a blogger! What next? Who knows what mad skizzles I will acquire by the end of this class.  Today I learned some basics of Skyping.  I was able (with the gracious help of my partner James) to download the application and make two video calls! Ok, one of the calls was by accident, but it worked! Yay me :)
I have wanted to try this application since last year, when I had a student from China leave my classroom.  I thought it would be awesome if the kids and I were able to make video calls to him. This would help him continue with his English skills and also allow him to share his American class with his Chinese one, and visa versa.  I was nervous about trying it because of my limited knowledge of technology. I wasn't sure whether I would be able to manage it.  However, it is very simple!!! Yay me! (AND James!)  I would love to use this with my friends in Hawaii, my relatives in Japan and any other willing victims.  Welcome to the world of technology.


  1. Okay, I'll be a victim. Make Greg get me a computer with a camera and then I won't have to walk all the way down the hallway to bug the bejeesers out of you!

  2. I love it!!!! I enjoy your enthusiasm, and I look forward to hearing how useful this tool becomes for you!
